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V Financial Insurance Group

January 26, 2024
V Financial Insurance Group

Working With an Independent Agent to Get the Best Insurance Rate

In the complex world of insurance, navigating the myriad options to find the best coverage at an affordable rate can be daunting. Fortunately, independent insurance agents are a valuable ally in this process. These professionals serve as intermediaries between you and the insurance marketplace, offering expertise and personalized service to help you secure the best […]
November 30, 2023
V Financial Insurance Group

What Are Common Restaurant Business Risks?

Owning a restaurant can be exciting and fulfilling; however, the restaurant industry is notorious for its challenges and uncertainties, making it vital for owners to protect their businesses from potential risks. From intense competition to food safety concerns, restaurants face many threats that could jeopardize their success. How Can Insurance Help Restaurants Manage Common Risks? […]
September 25, 2023
V Financial Insurance Group

Do I Need Workers’ Compensation Insurance if I am Self-Employed?

Being your own boss can be an exciting and liberating experience. However, while operating your own company and maintaining control over your career can be enticing, it may also include many of the same risks and exposures as working for an employer. Even if you are experienced and diligent or work in a low-risk industry, […]
August 17, 2023
V Financial Insurance Group

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Renters?

Purchasing and maintaining a home are significant financial investments that require you to implement and maintain suitable loss control measures. While homeowners insurance may seem like a logical choice for protecting residential properties, there may be times when you require different coverage, such as if you plan to rent out your home to someone else. […]
May 16, 2023
V Financial Insurance Group

Understanding General Liability Insurance for Contractors

As one of the most dangerous industries in the United States, your contracting business must take an active approach toward ensuring safety and mitigating risks. However, no level of attentiveness, experience or prudence can fully suppress all potential accidents or errors. A slight lapse in attention or miscalculation could lead to serious injuries, significant damages […]
March 27, 2023
V Financial Insurance Group

Why Are My Home and Auto Rates Increasing?

Illinois drivers and homeowners may notice rising insurance rates—even without a history of claims or moving violations. Traditionally, one of the most significant factors affecting your auto and home insurance rates is your driving and claims history. However, numerous factors outside our control can trigger premium increases across the country. Hard Market Causes Premium Increases […]